Severn View is run on Sundays on a fortnightly basis for Open Shoots. The shoot is a 50 bird, English Sporting layout, shot over 5 stands. Set overlooking the Severn Estuary the stands are varied, presenting a wide and changing variety of targets on each shoot. First entry is 9:00am with the last entry at 1:00pm
Please check the shoot dates for details of which shoot is running on a particular date.
Prices are £19 for each round.
Sunday shoots are friendly and welcoming and whether you are a young gun, old gun, good shot, bad shot, everyone is made to feel welcome.
On your own? Don’t worry, we will introduce you to another shooter who you can shoot a round with.
Our clubhouse is situated at the end of the car park area, where tea and coffee are always available.
We also sell cartridges from £9 per box of 25. A current shotgun certificate must be shown when purchasing cartridges.
If you hand in your card at the end of the day we will record your score on our website and you will be able to compare your score with other shooters for any particular week, have a record of your previous scores and keep track of your average. See our Statistics page for more details.